What is Chilly Willy you ask?  It's a portable ice maker!  Personally, I can’t imagine camping or fishing without ice for all the things we need ice for, besides our fish!
     After all, we drink tea, smoothies, water, a variety of juices, etc.  And then there’s the matter of having enough ice if we catch more fish than we need to.
     One rainy day, we heard a knock on our RV door, and when we answered, there was a man with a bag full of mullet he had caught earlier.
     He asked if we wanted any and naturally I said yes!  What was the problem you ask?  Well, it happens that Huck gave us so many mullet that we didn’t have room in our little freezer, so we threw them into our large cooler instead. 
     This presented another problem, you guessed it, we didn’t have enough ice to keep them cool before I cleaned them.
     We jumped in our Tundra and drove the five miles to the store to get some more ice.
     Well, it was that one decision that made us realize that we go through lots of ice and just can’t make enough with those little ice trays.
     After a brief discussion about buying a portable icemaker, we decided to find one we liked.  So I jumped on the Internet and immediately found what we wanted.
     A few days later, this big box arrived at our door, and when I opened it, we found a beautiful Magic Chef portable icemaker.  I told Karen we’d never have ice concerns again.
     Naturally I had to test it, so I filled it with one gallon of water and turned it on to make large cubes.
     What I discovered is that it makes 9 large cubes every 9 minutes and fills the tray in about two hours.  Overall, the gallon of water we put in the tank takes about all day before it needs filling again.  This is what I call “Super Low Maintenance”.
     To make a long story shorter, we now leave our Magic Chef in our RV all the time since that’s where we need it the most.  
     We love this handy little icemaker so we have even affectionately named it Chilly Willy because it is now a part of our camping and fishing adventures.
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